Hardware/Home Improvement
M-F 7:00 AM to 5:00 PM, Sat 7:30 AM to 2:00 PM
Driving Directions:
Off Dewar Dr Exit 102, Dewar Dr East to Gateway Drive. Take a Right, you'll see us at 1600 Sunset Drive.
Bloedorn Lumber Company Rock Springs is a proud Wyoming owned and operated company servicing all of your home building and renovation needs. We offer lumber, trusses, shingles, sheetrock, windows, doors, siding, fencing, decking, hardware - just about anything you'd need to build a new home or update your current home. Offering a delivery service with free delivery to Rock Springs and Green River (surrounding area available for small delivery charge), we can get your material on your jobsite when you need it. We stock drywall in the house and shingles on the roof (some limitations apply). Proud to service Rock Springs and surrounding area, Bloedorn Lumber. Friendly Place. Serious Service.
Printed courtesy of www.rockspringschamber.com – Contact the Rock Springs Chamber of Commerce for more information.
PO Box 398, Rock Springs, WY 82902 – (307) 362-3771 – ceo@rockspringschamber.com